How to add audio
To add audio player to your page:
1. Click on "Upload/Insert" icon just abow the editor. Add media popup will appear.
2. Upload your audio and click "Insert into post"
Fight For Freedoms (SB) 320kbit
Player one
Fight For Freedoms (SB) 320kbit
Player two
Fight For Freedoms (SB) 320kbit
Sample Code
[thaudio href='']Fight For Freedoms (SB) 320kbit[/thaudio]
[one_half] <h4>Player one</h4>
[thaudio href='']Fight For Freedoms (SB) 320kbit[/thaudio] [/one_half]
[one_half last=last] <h4>Player two</h4>
[thaudio href='' hide_title='true']Fight For Freedoms (SB) 320kbit[/thaudio] [/one_half] [clear]